Dev Engineer

Kramdown Syntax



Setext Style

First level header

Second level header

Other first level header

atx Style

# First level header (h1)

## Second level header (h2)
###### Sixth level header (h6)


> This is the first blockquote.
>     on multiple lines
that may be lazy.
> This is the second paragraph.
> > This is the second blockquote.

This is the first blockquote. on multiple lines that may be lazy.

This is the second paragraph.

This is the second blockquote.

Code Blocks

Standard Code Blocks

A code block can be started by using four spaces or one tab and then the text of the code block.

    Here comes some code

    This text belongs to the same code block.

Fenced Code Blocks

Here comes some code.

Language of Code Blocks

Console.WriteLine("How to use the Code Blocks? First method");
{: .language-csharp}
Console.WriteLine("How to use the Code Blocks? First method");


~~~ csharp
Console.WriteLine("How to use the Code Blocks? Second method");
Console.WriteLine("How to use the Code Blocks? Second method");


A list is started with a list marker (in case of unordered lists one of +, - or * – you can mix them – and in case of ordered lists a number followed by a period) followed by one tab or at least one space

Ordered lists

1. ordered list 1, item 1
    1. nested list item 1 (indent `four spaces` or `one tab`)
2. ordered list 1, item 2
1. ordered list 2, item 1
    2. nested list item 1
        3. nested list item 2
            4. nested list item 3
2. ordered list 1, item 2
10. ordered list 1, item 3
  1. ordered list 1, item 1
    1. nested list item 1 (indent four spaces or one tab)
  2. ordered list 1, item 2
  1. ordered list 2, item 1
    1. nested list item 1
      1. nested list item 2
        1. nested list item 3
  2. ordered list 1, item 2
  3. ordered list 1, item 3

Unordered lists

+ unordered list, item 1
    - nested list item 1
        * nested list item 2
            + nested list item 3
* unordered list, item 2
  • unordered list, item 1
    • nested list item 1
      • nested list item 2
        • nested list item 3
  • unordered list, item 2

Definition Lists

definition term
: This definition will just be text because it would normally be a
  paragraph and the there is no preceding blank line.

  > although the definition contains other block-level elements

: This definition *will* be a paragraph since it is preceded by a
  blank line.
definition term
This definition will just be text because it would normally be a paragraph and the there is no preceding blank line.

although the definition contains other block-level elements

This definition will be a paragraph since it is preceded by a blank line.


| Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned  | Right aligned  |
| First body part |Second cell | Third cell      | fourth cell    |
| Second line     |foo         | **strong**      | baz            |
| Third line      |quux        | baz             | bar            |
| Second body     |            |                 |                |
| 2 line          |            |                 |                |
| Footer row      |            |                 |                |
Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned
First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell
Second line foo strong baz
Third line quux baz bar
Second body      
2 line      
Footer row     see more

Horizontal Rules

* * *


  _  _  _  _


Three types of links are supported: automatic links, inline links and reference links.

Information can be found on the <> homepage.\\
You can also mail me: <[email protected]>

Information can be found on the homepage.
You can also mail me: [email protected]

This is [a link]( to a page.
A [link](../test "local URI") can also have a title.
And [spaces](link with spaces.html)!

This is a link to a page. A link can also have a title. And spaces!

This is a [reference style link][linkid] to a page.
And [this][linkid] is also a link. As is [this][] and [THIS].

[linkid]: "Optional Title"

This is a reference style link to a page. And this is also a link. As is [this][] and [THIS].


Here comes a ![smiley](../images/smiley.png)! And here
![too](../images/other.png 'Title text'). Or ![here].
With empty alt text ![](see.jpg)

Here comes a smiley! And here too. Or ![here]. With empty alt text

Here is an inline ![smiley](smiley.png){:height="56px" width="33px"}.
And here is a referenced ![smile]

[smile]: smile.png "Title text"
{: height="56px" width="33px"}

Here is an inline smiley. And here is a referenced smile


This is a ***text with light and strong emphasis***.
This **is _emphasized_ as well**.
This *does _not_ work*.
This **does __not__ work either**.

This is a text with light and strong emphasis.
This is emphasized as well.
This does _not_ work.
This does __not__ work either.

Code Spans

Use `<html>` tags for this.

Use <html> tags for this.

Here is a literal `` ` `` backtick.
And here is ``  `some`  `` text (note the two spaces so that one is left
in the output!).

Here is a literal ` backtick.
And here is `some` text (note the two spaces so that one is left
in the output!).

This is a ` literal backtick.
As \`are\` these!

This is a ` literal backtick. As `are` these!

This is a C# code fragment `x = new SmartListBox();`{:.language-csharp}

This is a C# code fragment x = new SmartListBox();


This is some text.[^1]. Other text.[^footnote]

[^1]: Some *crazy* footnote definition.
[^footnote]: this is a footnote definition.

This is some text.1. Other text.2


This text is completely ignored by kramdown - a comment in the text.

Do you see {::comment}this text{:/comment}?
{::comment}some other comment{:/}

{::options key="val" /}

Do you see ?

  1. Some crazy footnote definition. 

  2. this is a footnote definition. 

